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​Mount Laurel
Historical Society
The Mount Laurel Historical Society is dedicated to collecting, preserving, researching, and disseminating information about Mount Laurel's rich heritage.
We invite you to join us.

Farmers' Hall sign
Close up of the sign which shows the year Farmers' Hall was built.

Farmer's Hall 1974

Planting a tree at Farmer's Hall

Farmers' Hall sign
Close up of the sign which shows the year Farmers' Hall was built.
Hours of Operation
Open at 7pm on the second Tuesday of the month for meetings, September through June.
(no meetings in January, July or August)
May be open 1:00pm - 4:00pm on the second Sunday in July & August; check the Meetings page.
In 1875, Mount Laurel's 21.9 square miles had a population of just 1,673 people.
By 2010, the population was 41,865 and over 10,000 of them were school-aged children.
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